Sports Facilities
Children move confidently and imaginatively with increasing control and co-ordination. They use a range of small and large balancing and climbing equipment’s to remain fit. Kids also learn to safely handle appropriate tools, objects, construction and malleable materials with increasing control. Children are made aware of healthy living and are able to independently manage self-care.
The wide spread lawns help them for unstructured play and also help them to learn to play in a team. Children learn to hop, jump, run , skip, meditate and follow instructions. In house Auditorium in form of activity room also gives them place to free play and play indoor games.
The Ozonized Swimming Pool enables them to learn strokes as beginners and also to remove the fear of water. It also enhances better gross motor development.
The sandpit with its fine sand granules gives the children an opportunity to touch, to play with it and make sand castles which enhances their fantasies and refines finer motor skills. Many competitions are planned which involves physical endurance and also develop the team spirit.
A trained physical education teacher and the swimming instructor specially for these children helps in enhancing the spirit of sportsmanship in them.